Our platforms, which are fully manageable by you, organize and handle the profile configuration for our eSIMs, provide HLR Lookup possibilities, simplify the usage administration (per SIM/per project/per customer) and offer dedicated instances enabling the remote configuration and management of the subscriptions.
We offer numerous MNO profiles (IMSIs) enabling you to build configurations based on your own business rules. Freedom of choice in financial, technical and operational directions.
An IMSI contains the secure information in a GENIOX eSIM and enables the registration with one specific mobile network.
As part of our wholesale product we offer IMSIs alternatively to the conventional removable SIM cards. With our Subscription Manager platform, GENIOX performs ‘over-the-air’ provisioning of our SIM cards with the same level of security that is achieved today with the traditional removable SIM.
The eUICC SIM Card is available at GENIOX Mobile.
You won’t have to change SIM cards anymore, you can reduce your distribution costs, reduce your support issues and offer more continuity in the connectivity services from GENIOX..
Subscription Management (Over The Air Remote Provisioning)
The Subscription Manager bridges the gap between the global demands of end users and the local services of operators. Dynamically changing profiles offers end users substantial strategically advantages.- Eliminating the need to exchange SIM's for configuration and/or subscription reasons
- The Customer has full control over the selection of the required connectivity partner and the costs involved.
- Introducing 'interoperability', which enables adding and deleting unique operator profiles to the eUICC SIM OTA.
- No more complicated and time consuming integrations, GENIOX provides you a REST API for billing and realtime Cost Control.
- Customers can define and select their preferred PLMN and FPMN lists.
Technical and Operational Benefits
- APIs, browsers, Internet connectivity, M2M, interfaces for high speed M2M Connectivity well as eSIM remote management
- Multiple IMSIs cn be configured for one country ofering multiple possibilities for fall back connections.
- No extended latencies since there is no roaming with international IMSI's.
- Connecion possibilities to all local and most global MNO's around the world
- When roaming is the only altearnative, GENIOX Roaming partners are chosen in the same specific geographical telecoms zone.
- Subscription Manager based contracts are always competitive because there are no 'roaming partner' chains involved
- This influences both pricing and agreement complexity